Tuesday, November 25, 2014

from the desk of Denver Snuffer: I Post Here

from the desk of Denver Snuffer: I Post Here: I do not post on other blogs either in my own name, using an avatar, or anonymously. Someone has posted using my last name on another blog, ...

Some one is being dishonest claiming to be Denver,but he knows the claims about the stake president story is true.  Should we just believe it or try and find out for ourselves . Isn't that what were taught, don't just take what a prophet says is truth with out finding out for ourselves .

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Blame President Bush, that seems to be the answer for everything for the democrats. I myself and I believe alot of people out there know that we are very lucky we had such a man as president during those trying years. Can you even imagine what it would have been like if we had a man like Gore or like the apoligetic Obama during 911. I dont even want to think about it . WE were able to survive a terrorist attack and still have economic security all the way untill the democrats took control in 2006 , yes I said 2006, people seem to forget that the democrats have had control of the house since 2006. I say thank you President Bush you are a great leader and I will always thank God that you were our president.


Here we are in the middle of a debate on continuing the bush tax cuts or just continuing them for people making under 250,000 dollars a year. It sounds good because I dont make anywhere near that and I dont know anyone that I have anything to do with that does. But if you actually think about it ,everyone that makes that kind of money probably owns businesses that produce everything we consume. Lets just take the people that produce the milk you drink,if you raise their taxes do you actually think that milk is going to stay the same price. Lets use our heads and agree you do not raise taxes on anyone during a recession, and if you think the recession is over and you are doing just fine then go ahead and vote to raise the price of everything you consume.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I have a hard time believing just how well for a better word stupid the left leaning media is. people like ed from the ed show rachel maddow, chris mathews, but most of all keith, he has got to be the dumbest, i would love to debate him or see anyone debate him, he is so uninformed it is hard to see how any of them got the job they have.If anyone with a brain checked out the facts for themselves they could know the truth,but everyone just listens to these blow hards and thats how they form their opinions, so i am not sure who is worse, the people spewing the garbage, or the people believing it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15 1945

Today is the day that japan surrenderd, six days after the atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. It was a very destructive and deadly occurrance, hopefully it will never happen again. In this age of appology for everything america has done, is doing or will do in the future, I think of the stories that I heard my uncles tell about the germans and the japanese soldiers and how mean they were and how ruthless they were. Most of our american soldiers that fought them are not around anymore so it is easy to think that we were wrong in bombing them, but it was the only way, they were not going too quit.I know it was very tragic, the many men women and children that were lost that day and war is an awful thing to do, but it saved alot of our young men that would have died if they had not made that decision. My uncle spent time in a japanese prison camp, he would only speak of a few things that they did to him,I can only imagine what else was done, so before we decide to be the villian in that war and this one we are in now, lets step back and look at who we really are, we are AMERICANS and we live in the greatest country in the world and we need to apologise to no one.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I have decided that i am going to sue a few companies. Over the years i have been over weight,I have eaten hersheys choclate,fast food from all of the major chains and all kinds of chips and snacks.thus i am over weight and have diabetes, heart problems and am now on dyalisis because my kidneys have shut down. I believe it is the fault of these companies just like it was the fault of the tobacco companies for everyone smoking, show me where i am wrong.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am so glad we have a man in the white house that we can believe. and i am sure that there are alot of people out there that think that honesty is not important.along with honor, integrity,virtue,it just doesnt matter as long as everyone gets something for nothing